Start-up & Acquisitions
Business Growth & Development
Exit Strategy & Brokerage
Mr. Michael G. Wolff has delivered numerous seminars, presented at many business events, and taught continuing education for seven years at Kaplan Education, over which time he has developed a thought provoking, engaging style that is sure to interest your audience.  Having thirty plus years of experience starting, growing, and selling businesses he is able to share his knowledge through entertaining stories and real life examples on a variety of business topics, from motivation and communications to M&A and finance. 
Speaker Engagements

Are you looking for a thought provoking, engaging, and knowledgeable speaker for your business event?

Finding speakers that the members of your association, networking group, chamber of commerce, or special business event will find interesting and informative can be challenging and time consuming.  However, if that is the case for you, you may not need to look any further.

Mr. Wolff can tailor a presentation specifically for your group or act as a moderator/facilitator on a topic of your choice.  Otherwise, the following is a list of presentations other groups have found stimulating.

Focus for growth

Focus for Growth is great for small business owners just getting started or that want to take their small business to the next level.  The key word is “Focus.”  Participants learn how to build powerful messages that can help them attract investors, employees, and the all-important customers.  They will also discover how to identify critical needs in their organization and where to focus time and resources for maximum impact.

Microphone and Audience

Connecting With Why

Connecting with Why offers participants a fascinating perspective on human motivation that is sure to challenge the audience’s paradigm and get them buzzing with conversation.  It then connects this understanding with communications that are effective for marketing, sales, and leadership.  This presentation is great for all types of audiences.

Motivating and Keeping Great Employees

Great employees are essential to prosperous companies, but how do you motive and keep the best?  By exploring the latest research on work and motivation participants will gain new insight on why conventional methods used to tackle this problem often fail and discover how they can effectively meet this perpetual challenge.

Investment Proposals that Attract Capital

Business owners often need to attract capital, whether it is through loans, Angel Investors, Venture capital, or friends and family.  Succeeding with this critical need is often paramount to growth and participants will discover key aspects of winning investment proposals.

Man Listening

How to enhance business value

For many business owners selling their business will be a significant source for their retirement nest egg.  Here they can learn key variables related to business value and what they can do to get maximum compensation from the sale for their business.  As an additional benefit, they will learn how professionals determine business value so they can have a realistic understanding of their business’ current and future value.

Exit Planning

The Exit Planning presentation focuses more on the process of exit planning thereby helping business owners with this often critical step in their entrepreneurial life.  Here they will learn what steps they need to take to have the highest likelihood making a successful exit from their business and why they should be thinking about it now before the miss opportunities that can save them a great deal of money.

People Clapping