Considering selling your business?

You can get professional insight by attending a continuing education class for business brokers offered by Kaplan University: School of Professional Education. And it only costs $99.

The course is Introduction to Business Brokerage and you can learn all about it by clicking on the title below.



Introduction to Business Brokerage
Kaplan University
Instructor: Michael G. Wolff

“In one fast-paced day you will be introduced to all the fundamentals, including reading financial statements, determining cash-flow, business valuation and pricing, and deal structuring.  You will also learn about such topics as listing prospects, marketing businesses, and managing negotiations.”

This one day class is a great way to not only learn about selling a business, but you will also learn how the brokerage industry works, which can help you decide on what resources you want to you use and where you want to get them.







Business Search
One of the largest on-line businesses for sale websites. Searchable based on many different variables.
Another searchable on-line data base of businesses for sale.
This site displays commercial listings across the country.
This site offers information about Minnesota Properties and community profiles.


Government Resources
U.S. Small Business Administration loans are often essential to small business financing. You can learn more about their loan programs and the many other resources available through this organization.
In addition to providing regulatory information, they collect and provide labor data including wage rates and labor pool profiles.
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission exists to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.
The Minnesota Department of Commerce website.
The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) replaces the U.S. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system. It was developed jointly by the U.S., Canada, and Mexico to provide new comparability in statistics about business activity across North America. The official 2007 US NAICS Manual  North American Industry Classification System--United States, 2007 includes definitions for each industry.


A list of articles on valuation published by Bannister Financial in their newsletter.
This website is a free guide to business valuation resources, industry and company information, economic data, and more.



Valuing Small Businesses and Professional Practices, 3rd edition
Shannon Pratt, Robert Reilly, Robert Schwiehs
This is a comprehensive reference book for small business and professional practice valuation.

Standards of Value: Theory and Application
Shannon Pratt, Jay Fishman, William Morrison
This book looks at the theories behind valuation and discusses some common legal issues related to shareholder, partner, and marital issues.

The E-Myth/The E-Myth Revisited
Michael Gerber
This book is about making a self sufficient organization and differentiates between growing a businesses and building a job. Though its focus is on management, it is a key concept in building company value. A must read for any business owner regularly putting in more than forty hours a week.

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing
Al Reis, Jack Trout
A quick easy read with marketing lessons galore. Not only will you get some great food for thought, it will give you a better perspective on how your company fits or is "positioned" in the marketplace. An articulated position with the expectation of growth will add value to your business.


Know of a great book? Please let us know so we can share it (email us)




Are you looking for a thought provoking, engaging, and knowledgeable speaker for your business event?

Mr. Michael G. Wolff has delivered numerous seminars, presented at many business events, and taught continuing education for seven years at Kaplan Education, over which time he has developed a thought provoking, engaging style that is sure to interest your audience.  Having thirty plus years of experience starting, growing, and selling businesses he is able to share his knowledge through entertaining stories and real life examples on a variety of business topics, from motivation and communications to M&A and finance. 

Click her for more information